The Dungeon Launching Campaign

Dungeon Swap
3 min readJul 11, 2021

We are very proud to announce the DungeonSwap Grand Campaign! From now on until the launch of our grand campaign of the Dungeon, we will be releasing a serious of events & campaigns, including airdrop of NFTs & $DNDs, launch of new features of the website and community, and most importantly, the grand opening of our unique product, “The Dungeon”!

Over the previous few weeks, although we stayed quiet, we had very good progress on all fronts of our development (thanks for being patient so we could stay focused on our development). Now we believe we are finally in a good shape to announce that we are confident to keep our promise by launching our product — The Dungeon in the Week of 26 July!

If you think 26 July is a bit far away, do not worry, as we scale up our marketing effort, we will keep rolling out more news and features as we approach our launch date. You can refer to the picture as a brief timeline of our upcoming events:

Timeline of The Dungeon Launching Campaign

One important campaign, of course, is our airdrop! Remember what we promised about NFT airdrop earlier? Also if you stayed with DungeonSwap for long enough, you would probably have noticed that there were a list of holder special reward that we promised for these early holders. Soon it will be time for pay off — We are introducing our first NFT equipment — a sword with diamond core. We can guarantee that this sword will be helpful in your Dungeon battles! Do you want do be holder of this NFT sword and use it in your Dungeon adventure? Then stay tuned for the upcoming NFT airdrop campaign very soon along with a lot of cool stuff!

The first NFT of DungeonSwap — this is a sword as a beautiful NFT that can be at the same time be used in “The Dungeon”. The campaign to earn this NFT for free will be announced soon.
Basic information of the early $DND holder edition of the NFT sword.

You sure would have many questions about what are the metrics and what they mean to the game. Please be patient, we sure will have all your questions answered soon!

One more thing — the sword doesn’t yet have a name. What would be a good name for us to call it? Let us know your suggestions and perhaps we can have a vote to decide the name of this very first NFT of DungeonSwap together!

As we approach our 3 month anniversary, we are finally getting there for our first product! Thank you for your support and we can’t be more excited to show you what is coming!

