New V2 DND-BUSD Liquidity Pool is live! Act now for the INSANE APR!

Dungeon Swap
4 min readJun 3, 2021

We have launched a new V2 DND-BUSD farm! Stake now to earn the insane gain once more, just like the good old days!

Q1: What is happening?

  • We have launched a new V2 DND-BUSD farm (where you can earn an insane APR from this new farm), it works exactly like V1, except that you will add liquidity using the “V2 liquidity fountain”.
  • We will keep the V1 DND-BUSD farm as it is for a week of time, therefore you can continue to earn from the V1 farm during this transition. After one week, the V1 DND-BUSD farm will become inactive.
  • In addition, we have retired our 3 other V1 LP farms (BNB-BUSD, USDC-BUSD and CAKE-BNB). In the future we may consider adding V1 version of these LP farms, but we also consider leaving spaces for other yield farms as a venture campaign. The retirement of these V1 farms will happen in parallel to the other changes above
  • The timeline is illustrated as below:
Timeline for the V2 DND-BUSD LP Migration

Q2: How is it going to affect my investment?

  • There will be no impact to your invested DND and you will not lose any DND as a result of this change.
  • If you stake to the V2 DND-BUSD now, you can enjoy an insane initial APR associated with the new V2 farm!
  • If you do nothing during this transition, you can still continue to earn DND from the V1 farm before the transition completes, just that the APR will be less than what you can earn from V2 farm.
  • If you have staked into BNB-BUSD/ USDC-BUSD/ CAKE-BNB farm, you will stop receiving reward. However you can withdraw your staking anytime and get back your money from the V1 liquidity fountain (or Pancake Swap V1 liquidity)
  • Alchemist pools are not affected

Q3: Anyway what do I need to do?

  • You are encouraged to follow the steps below to migrate your staking of DND-BUSD to the V2 farm:
  1. Go to “Fantasy Farm”, go for DND-BUSD LP V1 and press the “Minus button” (with the “negative” sign)
  2. Select maximum and confirm withdraw to withdraw all your V1 DND-BUSD LP.
  3. Go to “Liquidity Fountain (V1)” and you shall see the V1 DND-BUSD LP that you just withdrawn. If you cannot, make sure you are connected to the correct wallet.
  4. Click your DND/BUSD liquidity, then press “Remove”, you may need to press “Approve” and sign the transaction additionally
  5. Select 100% and press “Remove” again. You will receive DND and BUSD that you staked
  6. Go to “Liquidity Fountain (V2)” (the new one). This time, press “Add liquidity” and add back the DND and BUSD that you just got. Now you got some V2 DND-BUSD LP!
  7. Now go back to “Fantasy farm”, stake the V2 DND-BUSD LP
  8. Enjoy the insane APR!
A simplified purchase guide to join the V2 LP.

Q4: What are V1 and V2 LP?

These are technical stuff originated from Pancake Swap. Simply put, using V2 means trading using the V2 exchange, and V1 means using the V1 exchange. To us as users, there are no much difference except we trade using different protocol. The fact that DungeonSwap has decided to follow PancakeSwap to migrate to the V2 means the trading market of DungeonSwap will become V2 going on.

Q5: What is the reason and rationale behind all these change?

Over the previous month we observed that the PancakeV2 LP seems to be operating smoothly. While the V1 continue to operating well, there are a couple of drawbacks that we want to avoid for our future development and scaling up. For example some investor purchase DND with BNB, in such case they will auto used the V1 router and thus could would suffer some price impact. In order to protect our investors and the ecosystem as a whole, we believe it is now a good time to slowly migrate our liquidity to V2.

Also, we want to make it an attractive campaign instead of some tiresome tasks to follow up. Thus we are launching the V2 DND-BUSD farm as a separate new farm with insane initial APR (Like the good old days!). Our target is to make the transition smooth and give minimum impact to existing investor.

For the retirement of the other farms, a month ago when we launched DungeonSwap, we tried to mimic what other yield farms have been doing and thus we made various “Exotic Currency” farms (e.g. BNB-CAKE). However we are now doubtful of the utility that it generated for the DND holders and the health of the whole ecosystem. The main reason is that we believe the DND generated should go to DND liquidity providers and DND holders. The second reason is that those farms are from V1 and the liquidity has been dropping and thus we will need to retire them one day. The approach that we adopt here to first stop charging any deposit fee associated to those farms, and then we will retire them together with the launch of the V2 DND-BUSD LP. In the future we may add other LP farms (in V2 form) as venture campaigns, and we will also listen to the community’s feedback on our future direction.

We hope we have proven that we are not some short term yield farms out there that won’t last more than a week, we are here for the long term and thus any decision we make needs to be sustainable and for the long term benefit. All these are part of the preparation for the launch our of game and the ecosystem that we are creating.

Again, thank you for your prolonged support!

